SaaS subscribers may be unaware that they are in the path of the perfect storm. Today’s massive economic crisis has collided with the allure of new software delivery models, putting many businesses at risk.
Delivery models like cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) are here to stay. In fact, Gartner says the SaaS market is expected to more than double, with revenue reaching $14.8 billion in 2012. These models’ promises of lower cost ownership and quicker time to deployment are certainly attractive to any business.
But, add today’s economic climate to the mix and those promises are quickly broken. Rampant vendor consolidation, mergers, business insolvencies, contractual issues, and business disagreements can result in the loss of application functionality and access to all of the SaaS subscribers proprietary data. As we all know, this can happen whether you’re working with start-ups or industry leaders.
That’s why Forrester analyst Liz Herbert advises companies to make sure their legal team is “involved in SaaS negotiations as SaaS contracts today are more like marriages than experimental flings.”
Technology escrow can protect SaaS subscribers from this storm – as long as the escrow technology takes the cloud computing/SaaS paradigm into account. According to a recent ThinkStrategies white paper, “This means employing escrow services that can not only store and secure valuable source code, but also continuously track changes, allow inspection of the real-time version of the source code and ultimately ensure that the source code can be built into an up-to-date, working version of the software.”
InnovaSafe Technology Escrow technology can help protect subscribers from today’s cloud computing pitfalls. InnovaSafe’s Dynamic Escrow Solution, using patent-pending technology, allows the solution provider to set up a secure, central repository for source code and mission-critical data that can be updated in a secure manner and on regular basis. Version control features keep track of changes and give the solution provider the ability to roll forward or backward to the version of their choice. Plus, detailed content and activity reports provide an accurate view of repository functions.
To learn more about how this technology can help you, contact us today at info@innovasafe.com for a free consultation. We look forward to explaining how our technology can help you weather the perfect storm.